The Orange Flags of Emilia Romagna

Each year the Italian Touring Club awards with the Orange flags the most beautiful places in Italy and we wait for the name of the small villages with great expectation.
A few days ago, the major Italian newspapers have given the long-awaited news, as well as the official press release of the Touring Club. The Emilia Romagna this year was awarded with 20 Orange flags. The small villages with its beauties, traditions and culture from Piacenza to Rimini have entered this aspiring recognition. Wondering places and locations that are part of an undiscovered and unknown Italy characterised by excellence and treasures ready to welcome us as guests.
Here it is the list of the “winners”: Bagno di Romagna (FC), Bobbio (PC), Brisighella (RA), Busseto (PR), Castell’Arquato (PC), Castelvetro di Modena (MO), Castrocaro Terme and Terra del Sole (FC), Fanano (MO), Fiumalbo (MO), Fontanellato (PR), Longiano (FC), Montefiore Conca (RN), Monteleone (part of the municipality of Roncofreddo) (FC), Pennabilli (RN ), Portico and San Benedetto (FC), Premilcuore (FC), San Leo (RN), Sestola (MO), Verucchio (RN) and Vigoleno (part of the municipality of Vernasca) (PC).

According to the Touring Club this year  2000 enquiries were submitted and only 9% of them got the Orange flag and the Emilia Romagna is third after Tuscany and Piedmont by number of flags assigned.
Soon we’ll tell you a bit more about these awesome places that are located in  Emilia and that have been awarded by the Italian Touring Club. We will share with you another great adventure in this part of Italy just around the corner from the famous Tuscany.

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